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'One Day at a Time. One Step at a Time.'

The travel bug must have bitten me at an early age. Always considering myself a true adventurer, I had seen much of the world by age 28. I had traveled around the globe on a shoestring, had seen most of Western Europe from the seat of my bicycle, and had hiked and climbed in some of the world's great mountain ranges. But that wasn't enough! At 29, my wife Ulli and I left our home in Germany and embarked on an epic trans-global cycle tour that, over the course of four years, saw us ride our bicycles over 58,000 kilometers across four continents and through more than 30 countries.


Many would have been happy to settle down after such an experience, but it only fuelled our passion for travel and exploration. After immigrating to Canada in 1989, the two of us began running our bicycle touring company, and over the following 31 years, we planned, organized, and led hundreds of high-end tours to the most incredible cycling destinations on the planet.


Besides sharing the love of travel and cycling with our international clientele, I have captured our adventures through the lens of my camera. I invite you to enjoy the selection of my images shown on this webpage. 


After retiring from my long career as a tour operator and guide, but not from being a nomad at heart, I now further focus on my passion for the outdoors and for photography. I will keep you posted on my next adventures!


Thank you to all of you who have joined me on my trips near and far over the many years!


Jörg Becker


P. S. For more 'About Us', please also visit



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